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Serial Seminars on Nuclear Physics: 21st talk

Title: The structure of nuclei around 100Sn Speaker: Dr. Chong Qi (Department of Physics, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden) Time: 14:00, Apr. 2, 2013 (Tuesday) Venue: Room C302, Department of Physics (理科楼三楼报告厅) Abstract: In this talk I would like to address a few issues regarding the seniority structure of nuclei around 100Sn. In particular, I will show that the seniority symmetry is dynamically conserved in j=9/2 shells irrespective of type of interaction. This may be a unique phenomenon for nuclear physics, which is characterized by large spinorbit coupling. The collectivity in Sn isotopes may be enhanced by the mutual effect of seniority and pesudospin symmetry. Moreover, I will show for systems with equal number of protons and neutrons, the seniority coupling is broken and, as a result, a new form of spin-aligned proton neutron pair coupling is favored. It should be mentioned that all these works are done in collaboration with or inspired by experimentalists in Stockholm and other groups. Contact person: Zhigang Xiao

版权所有 量子物质科学协同创新中心
