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报告题目: How to get published in Nature (and its sister titles) 报 告 人: 印格致 博士   执行主编, 中国, 自然通讯 报告时间: 2013.4.11(周四) 10:00 报告地点: 物理系三楼报告厅 报告摘要: So, you've discovered something extraordinary and you want to tell the world about it. Why would you publish it in a Nature journal? Which one should you choose? Indeed, why has Nature spawned so many new titles? What is Nature Communications, and what is it trying to do that other Nature journal don't do already? What is Open Access? In this talk I'll try to answer these and any other questions you have about getting published in a Nature journal. I'll also cover: what we look for in the papers that we consider for publication; the mechanics of how submissions are handled; how to decide if your paper could be for us; how to prepare a submission; and what to do when you think we (or our referees) have got a decision wrong. And, of course, what are we looking for in China? 个人简介: About Ed Gerstner: Executive Editor, China, Nature Communications. Over a decade of experience at Nature Publishing Group, as an editor for Nature, Nature Physics, Nature Materials and Nature Communications. Until recently, host and producer of Big Science FM on radio station Resonance 104.4 FM. PhD in Physics from the University of Sydney, Australia. Five years of postdoctoral research experience in university (at the universities of Sydney, Cambridge and Surrey) and in industry (at Philips Research Labs, Redhill UK). Committed to the dissemination of scientific knowledge and to increasing the public understanding of science and technology. Open Access advocate.
Specialties: Overseeing the peer-review of primary and secondary research, technical understanding of most fields across the physical sciences.

版权所有 量子物质科学协同创新中心
