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物理系colloquium:Photoelectric Effect – A Century of Scientific Discovery

报告题目: Photoelectric Effect – A Century of Scientific Discovery 报 告 人: Prof. Zhi-Xun Shen                    Paul Pigott Professor in Physical Sciences of Stanford University 报告时间: 2013-6-6  16:00 报告地点: 理科楼郑裕彤大讲堂 摘要: Photoelectric Effect, as formulated in his 1905 landmark paper, is among the most debated ideas of Albert Einstein. Despite its early controversy, photoelectric effect emerged as a pillar for the establishment of quantum mechanics, and has been an engine driving a century of discovery and innovation. In this talk, I will discuss the development of photoemission as a many-body spectroscopy derived from photoelectric effect. I will survey the advances in energy, momentum, spin and time resolution; and its match with frontier physics problems, in-situ materials synthesis and theoretical simulation. I will showcase recent results from high temperature superconductors and topological insulators. In particular, I will address the issue of pseodogap and its intertwined relationship with superconductivity. 个人简介: Prof. Shen received his Ph.D. in Applied Physics from Stanford University in 1989, M.S. from Rutgers University in 1985, and B.S from Fudan University in 1983. Now he is the Paul Pigott Professor in Physical Sciences of Stanford University, the Chief Scientist of SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, and Member and Vice Chair, Basic Energy Science Advisory Committee, DOE. He was the first Director of the Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences.
Prof. Shen is a condensed matter physicist, with interest in materials and their applications. His work has been recognized by important awards, including the Kammerlingh Onne Prize (international prize on superconductivity, 2000); the E.O. Lawrence Award (US Department of Energy award on behalf of the President, 2009); and the Oliver E. Buckley Prize (condensed matter prize of the American Physical Society, 2011); Albert Einstein Professorship (Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2013). He has been a co-inventor of numerous patents, involving new energy, materials and sensors.

版权所有 量子物质科学协同创新中心
