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物理系学术报告:Chasing the Light: on Laser Plasma Accelerators

报告题目: Chasing the Light: on Laser Plasma Accelerators 报 告 人: 鲁巍教授                清华大学工物系 报告时间: 2013-6-13  10:00 报告地点: 理科楼C109 摘要: The field of plasma accelerators based on laser or charged particle beam driven wakefields has experienced significant progress worldwide in the past decade, with promises to downsize the large scale accelerators and light sources by factor of hundreds to thousands. The so called Blowout Regime for wakefield acceleration has played a very important role for these development. In this talk, I will focus on the important physics of this special regime  and show why it is the best choice for accelerating high quality electron beams.  The recent progress made in my research group (L2PA) at Tsinghua University will also be presented and discussed. 报告人简介: Wei Lu received his Bachelor’s degree from Tsinghua University in 1998 and his Ph.D. from University of California at Los Angeles in 2006. In 2011 he joined Tsinghua University as a full professor in the Department of Engineering Physics and was also selected by the first version of  thousand young talent program of China. Wei is a plasma physicist with major research interests on theoretical, computational and experimental aspects of laser plasma interaction and plasma based advanced accelerators. He has been well recognized worldwide as one of the youngest leaders in the fast growing field of plasma accelerators. In 2007, he received the first John Dawson Thesis Prize in the plasma accelerator community. By 2013, he has coauthored more than 80 publications, with 16 PRL, 1 Nature, 1 Nature Physics and 5 Physics of Plasma invited papers, with total citation more than 1640, H-index 20. Since 2009 he has been invited to serve as international advisory or program committee members and working group leaders for major conferences of plasma accelerators. In 2011 he co-organized with Shanghai Jiaotong University  the 2011 Laser Plasma Accelerator Workshop in Wuzhen and also served as co-editor for  a special issue of Journal of Plasma Physics on plasma accelerators.  Currently he is building up a laboratory for laser plasma physics and advanced accelerator technology (L2PA) at Tsinghua university.

版权所有 量子物质科学协同创新中心
