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物理系学术报告:Non-covalent interactions studied by mass-resolved ZEKE spectroscopy: the future

报告题目: Non-covalent interactions studied by mass-resolved ZEKE spectroscopy: the future 报 告 人: Prof. Klaus Müller-Dethlefs Founding Director of The Photon Science Institute and School of Chemistry The University of Manchester,United Kingdom 报告时间: 八月三十日(星期五)上午10:30 报告地点: 理科楼三楼报告厅 摘要: we are reviewing the ZEKE method and its mass-selective variant, Mass Analysed Threshold Ionisation, MATI, in order to measure dissociation energies of molecular clusters with spectroscopic precision. In the near future, our studies will be extended to the systematic measurement of non-covalent stacking interactions in polycyclic aromatic dimers up to the coronene-dimer, a nano-graphene analog. This will be accompanied by high-level computations using coupled-cluster expansion theory up to CCSDT(Q). The goal is to establish benchmarks for the reliable application of ab initio calculations to very rage non-covalently bound supramolecular systems.

版权所有 量子物质科学协同创新中心
