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天体物理中心报告:Extending axion searches with a spherical TPC

Title: Extending axion searches with a spherical TPC Speaker: Javier Galan (CEA, France) Time: 2013.9.5 (Thursday), 13:30 Venue: 理科楼三楼报告厅 Abstract: The axion comes out from the theory as the most elegant solution to the CP problem in the strong interactions. Peccei-Quinn introduced the pseudoscalar particles scheme on the CP interaction already in 1977, since then, no astrophysical or experimental observation has ruled out the possible existence of this particle. Moreover, the search for axions has not deceased but increased on intensity during the last years. The strong theoretical motivation and the interesting properties of the axion, which would expand our tools to observe the universe make it a very fascinating quest. Thus, the axion particle is an interesting search which brings astrophysics, cosmology and particle physics close together in a very elegant way.
                           I will present the new results and prospects obtained with the novel Spherical Proportional Counter, including ultra low energy threshold capabilities, reaching energies down to 25,eV, and calibration techniques at such low energies. Then, I will show different discrimination techniques which allow to exploit the particular properties of this detector for a particular axion search which has not been explored yet. In particular, the spherical TPC provides unique capabilities for detection of low mass decaying particles. Efficiencies and detection capability for the particular KK-axions model will be shown.

版权所有 量子物质科学协同创新中心
