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天体物理中心报告:Revealing the dark universe with redshift space distortion

Title: Revealing the dark universe with redshift space distortion Speaker: 张鹏杰教授 (上海交通大学/上海天文台) Time: 11月15日 10:00AM Venue: 理科楼三楼报告厅 Abstract: Peculiar motion of visible tracers of the dark universe, such as galaxies and 21cm emitting gas, induces a characteristic anisotropy in the otherwise isotropic 3D clustering of these tracers. This effect of redshift space distortion provides a promising tool to measure  the structure growth rate of the universe   and hence to probe dark matter, dark energy and gravity. I will explain the physics of redshift space distortion, review its cosmological applications, and elaborate on challenge and progress   in theoretical modeling

版权所有 量子物质科学协同创新中心
