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报告题目: Open and Hamiltonian dynamics in quantum many-body systems: quantum limits and emerging phenomena 报 告 人: Prof. Takashi Oka,              Department of Applied Physics, University of Tokyo 报告时间: 11月29号上午10点 报告地点: C302报告厅 摘要: Ultracold atoms give a great insight into the world of quantum mechanics. We are going to present how the cleanness and tunability of these set-ups allow to study fascinating dynamical many-body phenomena. We will focus in particular on the observation of the Lieb-Robinson bound [1], the engineering of effective Hamiltonians [2] and the emergence of complex relaxation dynamics for quantum many-body systems [3-5]. References: [1] M. Cheneau, P. Barmettler, D. Poletti, M. Endres, P. Schauß, T. Fukuhara, C. Gross, I. Bloch, C. Kollath, S. Kuhr, “Light-cone like spreading of correlations in a quantum many-body system”, Nature 481, 484 (2012)
[2] S. Greschner, G. Sun, D. Poletti, L. Santos, “Dynamical synthetic gauge fields using periodically modulated interactions”, arXiv:1311.3150 (2013)
[3] D. Poletti,  J.-S. Bernier, A. Georges, C. Kollath, “Interaction-induced impeding of decoherence and anomalous diffusion”, Physical Review Letters 109, 045302 (2012)
[4] J.-S. Bernier, P. Barmettler, D. Poletti, C. Kollath, “Emergence of long-distance pair coherence through incoherent local environmental coupling”, Physical Review A 87, 063608 (2013)
 [5] D. Poletti, P. Barmettler, A. Georges, C. Kollath, “Emergence of glass-lilke dynamics for dissipative and strongly interacting bosons”,  Physical Review Letters 111, 195301 (2013)

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