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报告题目: Black Holes Big and Small: Impact on Galaxy Formation 报 告 人: Prof. Luis C. Ho (何子山)              Director and University Chair Professor              Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Peking University 报告时间: 2014-3-6  16:00 报告地点: 理科楼郑裕彤大讲堂 Abstract: Supermassive black holes (BHs) have been found in 87 galaxies by dynamical modeling of spatially resolved kinematics. The Hubble Space Telescope revolutionized BH research by advancing the subject from its proof-of-concept phase into quantitative studies of BH demographics. Most influential was the discovery of a tight correlation between BH mass and velocity dispersion of the bulge component of the host galaxy. Together with similar correlations with bulge luminosity and mass, this led to the widespread belief that BHs and bulges coevolve by regulating each other's growth. I present a major update to the status of this field. I will discuss (1) how BH mass correlates tightly only with classical bulges and ellipticals, (2) how the zero point and slopes of the fundamental correlations need to be revised, (3) BH mass estimates in quasars and AGNs, (4) the discovery of intermediate-mass BHs in dwarf galaxies and implications for quasar seeds, (5) quasar-mode feedback at high redshifts, and (6) the evolution (or lack thereof) with time of the BH-host galaxy scaling relations. About the speaker: Professor Luis C. Ho has worked on a wide range of topics on astronomy and astrophysics, including surveys for active galactic nuclei, physics of quasars and active galaxies, searches for supermassive black holes, origin of the Hubble sequence, star clusters, supernovae, interstellar medium, and extragalactic star formation. His research employs multiwavelength observations on all scales, from radio waves to X-rays, using a suite of ground-based facilities and space-based missions. He has published almost 500 papers, including 300 in refereed journals. Luis was educated at Harvard University and U. C. Berkeley, and for the past 15 years he has been Staff Astronomer at the Observatories of the Carnegie Institution for Science. He has been a frequent visitor to China, where he is a Distinguished Research Fellow of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Beginning in 2014, he has taken the positions of Director of the Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics (KIAA) and Chair Professor in the School of Physics at Peking University. He also serves as the Associate Editor of the Astrophysical Journal Letters.

版权所有 量子物质科学协同创新中心
