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THCA Seminar:Galaxy formation in LCDM cosmologies

Thursday, 13:30,  Mar. 20th, 2014, B315, Third floor, Science Building Title: Galaxy formation in LCDM cosmologies Speaker: Dr. Guo Qi (NAOC) Abstract: The LCDM model has been successful in interpreting a wide range of observations. Structure formation in the gravitationally dominant dark matter distribution has been simulated reliably, thanks to the development of powerful parallel supercomputers, and is well understood within the standard cosmological paradigm. However, The formation of galaxy does not follow that of dark matter in a simple manner, and the observed galaxy data from large surveys cannot be compared to the CDM model properly without taken into account more complex baryonic processes. Here I will talk about some recent development in galaxy formation models in the context of LCDM cosmologies.

版权所有 量子物质科学协同创新中心
