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高能物理中心seminar: Constraining and detecting sub-keV dark photon(3:00pm 27th March Thursday)

Title: Constraining and detecting sub-keV dark photon Abstract: I will talk about the stellar production of vector states V within the minimal model of 'darkphotons'. I will show that when the Stuckelberg mass of the dark vector becomes smaller than plasma frequency, the emission rate is dominated by the production of the longitudinal modes of V, and scales as \kappa^2 m_V^2, where \kappa and m_V are the mixing angle with the photon and the mass of the dark state. This is in contrast with earlier erroneous claims in the literature that the emission rate decouples as the forth power of the mass. We find that stellar bounds for m_V < 10 ev are significantly strengthened, to the extent that all current 'light-shining-through-wall' experiments find themselves within deeply excluded regions. i will also talk about better ways to detect the ev and sub-ev scale solar 'dark photon' using dark matter detectors. Speaker: Haipeng An, Undergraduate: Peking University 2002-2006 PhD: University of Maryland 2006-2011, advisor: Xiangdong Ji, Postdoc: Perimeter Institute 2011-Now Time: 3:00pm 27th March Thursday place: Lecture Hall, Third floor, Science Building(理科楼三楼会议室)

版权所有 量子物质科学协同创新中心
