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报告题目: Atom interferometers for precision measurements 报 告 人: Holger Müller                 Department of Physics, UC Berkeley, U.S. 报告时间: 2014-5-30  10:00 报告地点: 理科楼(一楼)C109 摘要: The talk will give an overview of atom interferometry experiments: tests of the equivalence principle at 10^-9 accuracy and a clock that measures time by the rest mass of cesium atoms and thus realizes the unit of mass with state of the art precision. Moreover, I will present our ongoing measurement of the fine structure constant. At 2×10^-9 accuracy, it is currently the world’s third best. We have since reduced the leading systematic error about 8-fold and the statistical error about 10-fold. As an outlook, we will discuss atom interferometry as a tool for measuring the acceleration of free fall of antimatter. 个人简介: Positions
Humboldt-University (Berlin, Germany) Physics Ph.D. summa cum laude, 2004
Advisor: Achim Peters
Stanford University, Advisor: Steven Chu. Postdoctoral 05/2004-12/2008
07/2008-present: Assistant Professor (tenure track), Department of Physics, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States
Honors and Awards
2012, Young Faculty Award, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
2011, CAREER Award, National Science Foundation
2009, Fellowship in Science and Engineering, David and Lucille Packard Foundation
2008, NSF Research Highlight #16262, National Science Foundation
2004-2006, Feodor-Lynen Fellowship, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
2003, Graduate Student Fellowship, Max-Planck Institute for Physical Chemistry
2002, President's Fellowship, Humboldt-University, Berlin, Germany.
2002, Young Researcher's Award, Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurement

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