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报告题目: The Taming of the Shrew --- Who is afraid of Quantum entanglements? 报 告 人: Prof. Man-Duen Choi (蔡文端) Mathematics Department , University of Toronto 报告时间: 2014-6-9  19:00 报告地点: 理科楼C109 摘要: Who is afraid of quantum entanglements?  I wish to tame the physical shrew by means of pure mathematics.  In particular, I seek the sense and sensibility of quantum computers, with pride and prejudice in matrix analysis. This expository talk may serve as a modern review of one of my old math  paper.  (The paper, consisting of 6 pages only, was published in 1975, with more than 1000 citations as recorded in Google Scholars 2014 February, including 500 RECENT research papers of Quantum Information.)  Again, I wish to show the new meaning of the old values as well as to realize the new value of the old meanings. 个人简历: Prof. Choi is of Canadin Citizen. He was Born in Nanjing China, brought up in Hong Kong, received his Ph.D. (1973) in Mathematics at University of Toronto. His research endeavors are in the fields: Operator theory, Operator algebras, Matrix analysis, and mathematical theory of quantum information. His research was supported by National Science and Engineering Council of Canada since 1977. He has published more than 75 research papers in refereed math journals, as cited more than 4500 times (according to Google Scholar Search 2014 January). In particular, a paper of 1975 has been regarded as the pioneering paper of Quantum Information, cited in more than 1000 research papers. He has received many honours, including the Fellow of Royal Society of Canada since 1985,  Israel Halperin Prize winner, 1980; Canadian Mathematical Society Coxeter-James Prized Lecturer, 1983; Honorary Chair Professor of National Sun Yat-Sen University , Taiwan, since July, 2012. He has been ivited speaker in more than 250 international conferences and colloquia in the world.

版权所有 量子物质科学协同创新中心
