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量子物质科学协同创新中心seminar:Spin Orbitronics: towards near-dissipationless spin based devices


报告题目: Spin Orbitronics: towards near-dissipationless spin based devices 报 告 人: Luqiao Liu              IBM Watson Research Center 报告时间: 2015-5-11   16:00 报告地点: 理科楼三楼报告厅(C302) 摘要: Spin based device and circuit are proposed as one possible alternative to current electronics because of their potential to achieve lower power consumption. However, currently, the energy efficiency in spin or magnetic related devices remains to be poor compared with their electronic counterparts, mainly because the generation and the utilization of spins in those devices are usually accompanied with large dissipative charge currents.  
In this talk, I will show that by utilizing spin orbit interaction in solid state materials through the spin Hall effect or its quantum version – topological insulators, one can achieve efficient spin current generation and magnetic moment switching. Since the operations of those spin orbit electronics (or, Spin Orbitronics) are realized with pure spin currents rather than charge currents, much lower power consumption compared with conventional devices can be realized. The applications of those spin obitronic devices both as memory components and microwave oscillators will be discussed in this talk. Moreover, I will discuss the possibility of realizing near-dissipationless magnetic switchings using the strong spin orbit interactions inside topological insulators, which can potentially help to solve the heating and scaling issues associated with the semiconductor technology.
个人简介: Luqiao Liu received his BS in physics from Peking University in 2006 and his PhD in applied physics from Cornell University in 2012. Since then he has been working as a research staff member in the spintronics group of IBM Watson Research Center. Dr. Liu’s research interest has been focusing on studying the properties of various magnetic/spin-related materials and their applications in magnetic memory and spin based logics.

版权所有 量子物质科学协同创新中心
