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2015年10月13日下午2点,量子物质科学协同创新中心 & 物理系seminar:

报告题目: Ballistic Atom Pumps 报 告 人: Prof. John B. Delos,     College of William and Mary 报告时间: 2015-10-13  14:00 报告地点: 理科楼三楼报告厅(C302) 摘要: Researchers have long been interested in electron transport through mesojunctions containing time-dependent potential barriers, a process often called “quantum pumping”. A useful model of such a system is a ballistic atom pump: two reservoirs of neutral ultracold atoms connected by a channel containing oscillating repulsive potential-energy barriers. This system can create net particle transport in either direction.  Classically, this system is a nice model of chaotic transport, and the quantum description cannot be fully understood without analyzing the underlying classical dynamics. 个人简介: John B. Delos, professor of Physics, College of William and Mary.
Research Interests:Theoretical atomic physics, quantum chaos
Background:BS (Chemistry) University of Michigan 1965; PhD (Physical Chemistry) Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1970
Research Associate - University of British Columbia - 1970-1971; Assistant Professor - College of William and Mary 1971-1977; Associate Professor - College of William and Mary - 1977-1983; Visiting Research Scientist, FOM Institute, Amsterdam, 1979-1980; Consultant, Naval Surface Weapons Center, 1981; Professor - College of William and Mary - 1983-present; Visiting Fellow, JILA, 1986-87; Visiting Scientist, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 1992; Visiting Fellow, JILA, 1994-1995.
1963-65 - Moses Gomberg Scholarship, University Michigan
1965-70 - N.S.F. Graduate Fellowship, M.I.T.
1975 - ΦBK Faculty Award for Advancement of Scholarship, William and Mary, "in recognition of distinguished teaching and meritorious scholarship."
1981 - Alumni Fellowship, William and Mary
1989 - Fellow of the American Physical Society, "For his many contributions to the field of atomic and molecular collisions, and for providing insight into the relationships between the classical and quantal behavior of atomic systems."
1990 - Outstanding Scientist of Virginia, (presented by Governor D. Wilder for the Science Museum of Virginia)

版权所有 量子物质科学协同创新中心
