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报告题目: Plasmonic response of sub-10 nm metal particles: New phenomena and old physics 报 告 人: 丹麦技术大学的N.Asger Mortensen教授 报告时间: 10月27日下午1点-3点 报告地点: 西楼312会议室 报告人简介: N. Asger Mortensen is a full professor at the Technical University of Denmark (faculty since 2004), from where he also received the MSc, PhD, and Dr. Techn. degrees in 1998, 2001, and 2006, respectively. His research focuses on new wave phenomena and light-matter interactions in artificially structured materials. The list of past and present research topics include quantum electron transport in mesoscopic systems, photonic bandgap materials, nanofluidics & optofluidics, nanophotonics & slow-light photonic crystals, metamaterials, and nanoplasmonics. He is a fellow of SPIE and an associate editor of Optics Express (since 2010). For more details, please visit

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