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报告题目: Entangled states of 3000 atoms with negative Wigner fun 报 告 人: 张昊  MIT 报告时间: 2015-10-30   10:00 报告地点: 理科楼三楼报告厅(C302) 个人简介: EDUCATION
2009 - 2015  Massachusetts Institute  of Technology, Cambridge, MA         Ph.D. in Physics
2005 - 2009  University  of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK                                 B.A. & M.Sci. in Physics
2004 - 2005  Fudan University,  Shanghai, China
2015 - present    Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Department of Physics Postdoctoral  associate with Prof. Martin Zwierlein
• Study strongly correlated fermions system at the single-atom level using quantum gas microscope
2009 - 2015  Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Department of Physics Graduate research assistant with Prof. Vladan Vuletic
• Generating entangled spin states of 3000 atoms with negative Wigner function, using interactions of atoms with optical cavity
• Demonstrating single-atom measurement resolution in atomic ensembles of up to 100 atoms
• Improving precision measurements at fundamental quantum mechanical limits via en- tangled state of many atoms
• Optomechanical cooling of collective motion of atomic ensembles in optical cavity
2008 - 2009     University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK Department of Physics, Cavendish Laboratory Undergraduate  research assistant with Prof. David Khmelnitskii
• Thesis on theoretical study of sound radiation generated by moving charged particles in piezoelectric materials
• Summer research on classification of magnetic symmetry groups in quasicrystals
2007        University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK Engineering Department Undergraduate  research assistant with Dr Matthew Juniper
• Design a contraction nozzle for a fuel injector to create a uniform shear flow and measure the shear flow instability

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