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物理系学术报告:From complex to stochastic potential: Heavy Quarkonia in the QGP

报告题目: From complex to stochastic potential: Heavy Quarkonia in the QGP
报 告 人: Alexander Rothkopf, Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Bern, Switzerland
报告时间: 2013年4月24日 14:00
报告地点: 三楼报告厅C302
报告摘要: The physics of a heavy quark bound state immersed in a thermal bath can be conveniently described by a non-relativistic two-body potential. Studies in perturbation theory already revealed that in the deconfined phase, scattering with the medium induces an imaginary part. Here we present recent results on how the determination of the potential can be extended to the non-perturbative regime. Based on Wilson loop spectral functions from lattice QCD both real- and imaginary part can be extracted at any temperature.
The presence of an imaginary part reminds us that a static notion of heavy quarkonium suppression is inappropriate and we are lead to embrace an open quantum systems perspective instead. We show how in this framework the imaginary part is intimately linked to thermal fluctuations in the QGP.


版权所有 量子物质科学协同创新中心
