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物理系colloquium:New searches on parity and time-reversal symmetry violating quantities or interactions

报告题目: New searches on parity and time-reversal symmetry violating quantities or interactions
报 告 人: Haiyan Gao, Department of Physics, Duke University, Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory, Department of Physics, Tsinghua University
报告时间: 2013年3月14日(周四)16:00
报告地点: 理科楼郑裕彤讲堂
报告摘要: Quantities or interactions which violate parity (P) and time-reversal (T) symmetries are usually sensitive to new physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics. Direct searches for T-violating quantities are also promising in revealing new sources of charge conjugation and parity (CP) symmetry violation. The current understanding of the baryogenesis suggests that other sources of CP violation might exist in nature beyond the Standard Model and beyond what have been observed so far. In this talk, I will discuss two experiments concerning such direct searches: the neutron electric dipole moment and a tabletop experiment looking for spin-dependent short-range forces. In the latter case, I will present the latest limits from our work and future prospects.

版权所有 量子物质科学协同创新中心
