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2016-05-10 北大威廉希尔williamhill官网举办 Optoelectronics of Graphene-based Van der Waals Heterostructures
2016-05-06 北大威廉希尔williamhill官网举办 Tailoring Charge and Lattice in Nanoscale and Low Dimensional Electron Systems
2016-05-05 清华物理系举办 Eureka:固体“宇宙”中的外尔费米子
2016-05-05 北大威廉希尔williamhill官网举办 固态系统中的拓扑量子计算
2016-05-05 北大威廉希尔williamhill官网举办 4f QUANTUM CRITICALITY: IN SEARCH FOR MODEL SYSTEMS
2016-04-28 清华物理系举办 冷原子干涉重力精密测量研究
2016-04-28 清华物理系举办 新材料及新性能的大设计探讨
2016-04-28 北大威廉希尔williamhill官网举办 低维半导体能带调控及光子特性研究
2016-04-27 北大威廉希尔williamhill官网举办 Spin hydrodynamic generation
2016-04-27 北大威廉希尔williamhill官网举办 Magnetic skyrmions 磁性斯格明子
2016-04-26 清华物理系举办 Chemistry at Grain Boundaries: From Surface Science to Electrocatalysis
2016-04-26 Light control of correlated electron systems
2016-04-25 清华物理系举办 Unusual interplay between superconductivity and magnetism in CeAu2Si2 under pressure
2016-04-21 清华物理系举办 Charge-transfer-driven emergent phenomena in oxide heterostructures
2016-04-21 北大威廉希尔williamhill官网举办 基于石墨烯的新型微器件
2016-04-20 清华物理系举办 From Efimov physics to the three-body recombination in a quasi-two-dimensional quantum gas
2016-04-20 北大威廉希尔williamhill官网举办 Ion Adsorption at Charged Aqueous Interfaces
2016-04-19 北大威廉希尔williamhill官网举办 Majorana edge modes in topological superconductors
2016-04-18 清华物理系举办 Searching for dark photon
2016-04-15 北大威廉希尔williamhill官网举办 Comparisons between the Anderson transition and Dirac/Weyl semi-metal to metal transitions

版权所有 量子物质科学协同创新中心
