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2013-06-13 清华物理系举办 Chasing the Light: on Laser Plasma Accelerators
2013-06-13 北大威廉希尔williamhill官网举办 The quest in polymer rheology, from viscoelasticity to melt fracture What is beyond Maxwell's and de Gennes' paradigms?
2013-06-10 北大威廉希尔williamhill官网举办 Upper critical fields of p-wave ferromagnetic superconductors
2013-06-06 清华物理系举办 Photoelectric Effect – A Century of Scientific Discovery
2013-06-05 清华物理系举办 Erasmus Mundus-欧盟海外招生计划
2013-06-05 北大威廉希尔williamhill官网举办 Magnetism of LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Heterostructure Interface
2013-06-05 北大威廉希尔williamhill官网举办 Spectroscopic fingerprint of the interplay between the pseudogap,electron-boson coupling and superconductivity
2013-06-05 清华物理系举办 Detecting Majorana fermions in fully gapped and nodal topological superconductors
2013-06-04 清华物理系举办 Dark Matter and Higgs Bosons in MSSM
2013-06-03 北大威廉希尔williamhill官网举办 Simulating quantum Schrödinger cats in ion-traps - Prof. P. D. Drummond
2013-05-31 清华物理系举办 Strongly Interacting Matter in Heavy Ion Collisions: some current issues
2013-05-31 清华物理系举办 III-V MOS Technology: From Planar to 3D and 4D
2013-05-31 北大威廉希尔williamhill官网举办 TIME EVOLUTION OF ENTANGLEMENT AND DISCORD
2013-05-30 北大威廉希尔williamhill官网举办 Cavity optomechanics: Controlling mechanical motion with light
2013-05-30 北大威廉希尔williamhill官网举办 TSiGe quantum dots and nanowires on Si(001): fundamentals and applicationsTSiGe quantum dots and nanowires on Si(001): fundamentals and applications
2013-05-29 北大威廉希尔williamhill官网举办 Towards understanding the solution dynamics using the combination of computer simulation and spectroscopy
2013-05-27 北大威廉希尔williamhill官网举办 Optical Manipulation of Electron and Nuclear Spin in single quantum dot
2013-05-24 清华物理系举办 格点量子色动力学研究进展
2013-05-24 清华高研院举办 Quantum Transport in Spin-Orbit Systems

版权所有 量子物质科学协同创新中心
