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Jay Guo (Qpg) &0-P       <(s/01 4RT|N: O'YOYec 5u݋62759474 yudp@pku.edu.cnz* g-g  gD   <|!#. ^Abstract: Many metals (such as Al, Au, Cu, Ag) show interesting optical properties when they are rendered to nanoscale dimensions due to the excitation of surface plasmons. I will discuss such properties and their potential applications in displays and solar cells. By exploiting selective conversion between free-space waves and spatially confined modes in arrays of specially designed plasmonic nanoresonators, we developed high efficiency and high resolution color filters. Using plasmonic nanogratings as semi-transparent electrodes, we demonstrated enhanced power efficiency in organic solar cells. The highly confined nature of surface plasmon also provides a means to modulate the phase of optical wave in deep subwavelength dimension, which was utilized to design optical near field plate for super-resolution focusing. I will also describe high throughput nanofabrication techniques that can produce such structures in large scale and high speed, and in particular the roll to roll nanoimprint lithography. If time permits I may also describe our work on polymer microring resonators and its application in ultrasound imaging. References: 1. T. Xu, Y.-K. Wu, X.-G. Luo, and L. J. Guo,  Plasmonic nano-resonators for color filtering and spectral imaging, Nat. Comm. 2010, published online. doi: 10.1038/ncomms1058. (Reported by Technology Review, R&D Magazine, Popular Science, etc) 2. M. G. Kang, T. Xu, H. J. Park, X. G. Luo, and L. J. Guo,  Efficiency Enhancement of Organic Solar Cells using Transparent Plasmonic Ag Nanowire Electrodes, Adv. Mater. 2010. In press. (doi: 10.1002/adma.201001395) 3. H. J. Park, M. G. Kang, S.-H. Ahn and L. J. Guo,  Facile route to polymer solar cells with optimum morphology applicable to roll-to-roll process, Adv Mater, 2010, in press. DOI: 10.1002/adma.201000250 (top downloads from May-July, and reported by MIT technology Review) 4. H.-F. Shi and L. J. Guo,  Design of Plasmonic Near Field Plate at Opitical Frequency, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 141107, 2010. 5. S. H. Ahn, and L. J. Guo,  Large-area Roll-to-Roll and Roll-to-Plate Nanoimprint Lithography and analytical models for predicting residual layer thickness, ACS Nano 3, 2304 2310, 2009. (reported by Technology Review and ACS Podcast) 6. S. H. Ahn, and L. J. Guo,  High Speed Roll-to-Roll Nanoimprint Lithography on Flexible Plastic Substrate, Adv. Mater, 20, 2044 2049, 2008. (Reported by Photonics Spectra and Materials Today). dp ' g' %' m - H  E  F I  Zl C +;    <   8X   Bdh"`z#  Z  L. Jay Guo (Qpg) received his B.S. in Physics (Biophysics major) from Nankai University, China in 1990, and his MS and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Minnesota in 1995 and 1997 respectively. He was a research associate at Princeton University from 1998-1999. He joined the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor in 1999, and is currently an associate professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Applied Physics, and Macomolecular Science and Engineering. He has close to 100 refereed journal publications, including Advanced Materials, Nano Letters, Science, Physical Review Letters, Chemical Society Review, and Applied Physics, etc. Total citation of his publications is over 3,100 and he has an h-index of 25. He has over 10 US patents and a number of pending patent applications. He served on many proposal review panels for the US National Science Foundation, the National Institute of Health, and the Department of Energy. He has given numerous invited talks in academia and in industry; and served on many international conference program committees related to nanotechnologies and photonics, including symposium chair of two MRS topical conferences on printing methods for electronics, photonics, and biomaterials. His research areas include plasmonic nanophtonics, polymer-based photonic devices and sensor applications, organic electronics and photonics, nanoimprint-based nanomanufacturing technology and applications.H' ''    7     k        ]        B1jG3 &SN'Yf[irtf[bQZ`irtNPgeirt@b'$  <43fQ"`  P r,http:/events/icmp10s.xml--H  0+nF ? 33___PPT10i.PE9+D=' = @B +r {D!1(6%4 H/ 0|DArial 00TT?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ @n?" dd@  @@``  ($& h$$$$$$$$$$$$$R$$#$AⲯCHH 0AAPfff3@w ʚ;ʚ;g4!d!d 0"pPp<4dddd w 0T0u <4!d!d x 0TPowerPoint Document(%wDocumentSummaryInformation80DNSe~ў 00TT?@ABCDEFGIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqtuvwxyz{|}~ ?;D# QZ`irt-SN'Yf[[W, 'Xp  6 L`5~?  Te9g20efgN 15:00 16:40 0WpSN'Yf[irt'Y|i-N212Ye[ ++'-d )  H,[`?S$0  WNew applications of old metals in photonics, and related nanomanufacturing technologiesXX-9  <g`3fQ"`L3#$F4 Photoed by Xiaodong Hu6  Bh`?   fProf. L. Jay Guo (Qpg) University of Michigan, USAF40-$0P     `  <p`.Qm e0 RT|N: si`T Yec E-mail egwang@pku.edu.cn"**g \8  <lw` S$,  Abstract: Many metals (such as Al, Au, Cu, Ag) show interesting optical properties when they are rendered to nanoscale dimensions due to the excitation of surface plasmons. I will discuss such properties and their potential applications in displays and solar cells. By exploiting selective conversion between free-space waves and spatially confined modes in arrays of specially designed plasmonic nanoresonators, we developed high efficiency and high resolution color filters. Using plasmonic nanogratings as semi-transparent electrodes, we demonstrated enhanced power efficiency in organic solar cells. The highly confined nature of surface plasmon also provides a means to modulate the phase of optical wave in deep subwavelength dimension, which was utilized to design optical near field plate for super-resolution focusing. I will also describe high throughput nanofabrication techniques that can produce such structures in large scale and high speed, and in particular the roll to roll nanoimprint lithography. If time permits I may also describe our work on polymer microring resonators and its application in ultrasound imaging. References: 1. T. Xu, Y.-K. Wu, X.-G. Luo, and L. J. Guo,  Plasmonic nano-resonators for color filtering and spectral imaging, Nat. Comm. 2010, published online. doi: 10.1038/ncomms1058. (Reported by Technology Review, R&D Magazine, Popular Science, etc) 2. M. G. Kang, T. Xu, H. J. Park, X. G. Luo, and L. J. Guo,  Efficiency Enhancement of Organic Solar Cells using Transparent Plasmonic Ag Nanowire Electrodes, Adv. Mater. 2010. In press. (doi: 10.1002/adma.201001395) 3. H. J. Park, M. G. Kang, S.-H. Ahn and L. J. Guo,  Facile route to polymer solar cells with optimum morphology applicable to roll-to-roll process, Adv Mater, 2010, in press. DOI: 10.1002/adma.201000250 (top downloads from May-July, and reported by MIT technology Review) 4. H.-F. Shi and L. J. Guo,  Design of Plasmonic Near Field Plate at Opitical Frequency, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 141107, 2010. 5. S. H. Ahn, and L. J. Guo,  Large-area Roll-to-Roll and Roll-to-Plate Nanoimprint Lithography and analytical models for predicting residual layer thickness, ACS Nano 3, 2304 2310, 2009. (reported by Technology Review and ACS Podcast) 6. S. H. Ahn, and L. J. Guo,  High Speed Roll-to-Roll Nanoimprint Lithography on Flexible Plastic Substrate, Adv. Mater, 20, 2044 2049, 2008. (Reported by Photonics Spectra and Materials Today). drO ' g'%@' m - H  E  F R  Zr C +A   $ <  8X   B`h"`#s X  L. Jay Guo (Qpg) received his B.S. in Physics (Biophysics major) from Nankai University, China in 1990, and his MS and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Minnesota in 1995 and 1997 respectively. He was a research associate at Princeton University from 1998-1999. He joined the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor in 1999, and is currently an associate professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Applied Physics, and Macomolecular Science and Engineering. He has close to 100 refereed journal publications, including Advanced Materials, Nano Letters, Science, Physical Review Letters, Chemical Society Review, and Applied Physics, etc. Total citation of his publications is over 3,100 and he has an h-index of 25. He has over 10 US patents and a number o      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~f pending patent applications. He served on many proposal review panels for the US National Science Foundation, the National Institute of Health, and the Department of Energy. He has given numerous invited talks in academia and in industry; and served on many international conference program committees related to nanotechnologies and photonics, including symposium chair of two MRS topical conferences on printing methods for electronics, photonics, and biomaterials. His research areas include plasmonic nanophtonics, polymer-based photonic devices and sensor applications, organic electronics and photonics, nanoimprint-based nanomanufacturing technology and applications.H' ''    7     k        ]        B`Y12 &SN'Yf[irtf[bQZ`irtNPgeirt@b'$  <,`3fQ"`   r,http:/events/icmp10s.xml--  <j>  2010t^,{16g $$H  0+nF ? 33___PPT10i.PE9+D=' @ = @B +rP!1(6%4 H/ 0|DArial 00TTA ܖ 0ܖD[SOal 00TTA ܖ 0ܖ DўSOal 00TTA ܖ 0ܖ0DNSe~ў 00TTA ܖ 0ܖ@D|^Wў 00TTA ܖ 0ܖ1 B-.  @n?" dd@  @@``  ($& h$$$$$$$$$$$$$R$$#$AⲯCHH 0AAPfff3@w ʚ;ʚ;g4!d!dHA  0XpPp<4dddd w 0TA  <4!d!d x 0T80___PPT10 pp?  %X  1  0 00 0(  R  s *Av%4   fbarkrk ?;D# QZ`irt-SN'Yf[[W, 'Xp  6Lga5~?  Te9g20efgN 15:00 16:40 0WpSN'Yf[irt'Y|i-N212Ye[ ++'-d )  Hwa?S$0  WNew applications of old metals in photonics, and related nanomanufacturing technologiesXX-9  <a3fQ"`L3#$F4 Photoed by Xiaodong Hu6  BDa?   fProf. L. Jay Guo (Qpg) University of Michigan, USAF40-$0P     `  <a.Qm e0 RT|N: si`T Yec E-mail egwang@pku.edu.cn"**g \@  <a S$,  Abstract: Many metals (such as Al, Au, Cu, Ag) show interesting optical properties when they are rendered to nanoscale dimensions due to the excitation of surface plasmons. I will discuss such properties and their potential applications in displays and solar cells. By exploiting selective conversion between free-space waves and spatially confined modes in arrays of specially designed plasmonic nanoresonators, we developed high efficiency and high resolution color filters. Using plasmonic nanogratings as semi-transparent electrodes, we demonstrated enhanced power efficiency in organic solar cells. The highly confined nature of surface plasmon also provides a means to modulate the phase of optical wave in deep subwavelength dimension, which was utilized to design optical near field plate for super-resolution focusing. I will also describe high throughput nanofabrication techniques that can produce such structures in large scale and high speed, and in particular the roll to roll nanoimprint lithography. If time permits I may also describe our work on polymer microring resonators and its application in ultrasound imaging. References: 1. T. Xu, Y.-K. Wu, X.-G. Luo, and L. J. Guo,  Plasmonic nano-resonators for color filtering and spectral imaging, Nat. Comm. 2010, published online. doi: 10.1038/ncomms1058. (Reported by Technology Review, R&D Magazine, Popular Science, etc) 2. M. G. Kang, T. Xu, H. J. Park, X. G. Luo, and L. J. Guo,  Efficiency Enhancement of Organic Solar Cells using Transparent Plasmonic Ag Nanowire Electrodes, Adv. Mater. 2010. In press. (doi: 10.1002/adma.201001395) 3. H. J. Park, M. G. Kang, S.-H. Ahn and L. J. Guo,  Facile route to polymer solar cells with optimum morphology applicable to roll-to-roll process, Adv Mater, 2010, in press. DOI: 10.1002/adma.201000250 (top downloads from May-July, and reported by MIT technology Review) 4. H.-F. Shi and L. J. Guo,  Design of Plasmonic Near Field Plate at Opitical Frequency, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 141107, 2010. 5. S. H. Ahn, and L. J. Guo,  Large-area Roll-to-Roll and Roll-to-Plate Nanoimprint Lithography and analytical models for predicting residual layer thickness, ACS Nano 3, 2304 2310, 2009. (reported by Technology Review and ACS Podcast) 6. S. H. Ahn, and L. J. Guo,  High Speed Roll-to-Roll Nanoimprint Lithography on Flexible Plastic Substrate, Adv. Mater, 20, 2044 2049, 2008. (Reported by Photonics Spectra and Materials Today). d= ' k'%@' m - H  E  F V  Zr C +A   $ <  8X   B8h"`#s X  L. Jay Guo (Qpg) received his B.S. in Physics (Biophysics major) from Nankai University, China in 1990, and his MS and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Minnesota in 1995 and 1997 respectively. He was a research associate at Princeton University from 1998-1999. He joined the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor in 1999, and is currently an associate professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Applied Physics, and Macomolecular Science and Engineering. He has close to 100 refereed journal publications, including Advanced Materials, Nano Letters, Science, Physical Review Letters, Chemical Society Review, and Applied Physics, etc. Total citation of his publications is over 3,100 and he has an h-index of 25. He has over 10 US patents and a number of pending patent applications. He served on many proposal review panels for the US National Science Foundation, the National Institute of Health, and the Department of Energy. He has given numerous invited talks in academia and in industry; and served on many international conference program committees related to nanotechnologies and photonics, including symposium chair of two MRS topical conferences on printing methods for electronics, photonics, and biomaterials. His research areas include plasmonic nanophtonics, polymer-based photonic devices and sensor applications, organic electronics and photonics, nanoimprint-based nanomanufacturing technology and applications.H' ''    7     k        ]        BaY12 &SN'Yf[irtf[bQZ`irtNPgeirt@b'$  <$a3fQ"`   r,http:/events/icmp10s.xml--  <3a>  2010t^,{16g $$H  0+nF ? 33___PPT10i.PE9+D=' = @B +rPYP!1(6%4 H/ 0|DArial 00TTA ܖ 0ܖD[SOal 00TTA ܖ 0ܖ DўSOal 00TTA ܖ 0ܖ0DNSe~ў 00TTA ܖ 0ܖ@D|^Wў 00TTA ܖ 0ܖ1 B-.  @n?" dd@  @@``  ($& h$$$$$$$$$$$$$R$$#$AⲯCHH 0AAPfff3@w ʚ;ʚ;g4!d!dHA  0"pPp<4dddd w 0TA  <4!d!d x 0T80___PPT10 pp?  %X  1  0 00 0(  R  s *Av%4   fbarkrk ?;D# QZ`irt-SN'Yf[[W, 'Xp  6Lga5~?  Te9g20efgN 15:00 16:40 0WpSN'Yf[irt'Y|i-N212Ye[ ++'-d )  Hwa?S$0  WNew applications of old metals in photonics, and related nanomanufacturing technologiesXX-9  <a3fQ"`L3#$F4 Photoed by Xiaodong Hu6  BDa?   fProf. L. Jay Guo (Qpg) University of Michigan, USAF40-$0P     `  <a.Qm e0 RT|N: si`T Yec E-mail egwang@pku.edu.cn"**g \@  <a S$,  Abstract: Many metals (such as Al, Au, Cu, Ag) show interesting optical properties when they are rendered to nanoscale dimensions due to the excitation of surface plasmons. I will discuss such properties and their potential applications in displays and solar cells. By exploiting selective conversion between free-space waves and spatially confined modes in arrays of specially designed plasmonic nanoresonators, we developed high efficiency and high resolution color filters. Using plasmonic nanogratings as semi-transparent electrodes, we demonstrated enhanced power efficiency in organic solar cells. The highly confined nature of surface plasmon also provides a means to modulate the phase of optical wave in deep subwavelength dimension, which was utilized to design optical near field plate for super-resolution focusing. I will also describe high throughput nanofabrication techniques that can produce such structures in large scale and high speed, and in particular the roll to roll nanoimprint lithography. If time permits I may also describe our work on polymer microring resonators and its application in ultrasound imaging. References: 1. T. Xu, Y.-K. Wu, X.-G. Luo, and L. J. Guo,  Plasmonic nano-resonators for color filtering and spectral imaging, Nat. Comm. 2010, published online. doi: 10.1038/ncomms1058. (Reported by Technology Review, R&D Magazine, Popular Science, etc) 2. M. G. Kang, T. Xu, H. J. Park, X. G. Luo, and L. J. Guo,  Efficiency Enhancement of Organic Solar Cells using Transparent Plasmonic Ag Nanowire Electrodes, Adv. Mater. 2010. In press. (doi: 10.1002/adma.201001395) 3. H. J. Park, M. G. Kang, S.-H. Ahn and L. J. Guo,  Facile route to polymer solar cells with optimum morphology applicable to roll-to-roll process, Adv Mater, 2010, in press. DOI: 10.1002/adma.201000250 (top downloads from May-July, and reported by MIT technology Review) 4. H.-F. Shi and L. J. Guo,  Design of Plasmonic Near Field Plate at Opitical Frequency, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 141107, 2010. 5. S. H. Ahn, and L. J. Guo,  Large-area Roll-to-Roll and Roll-to-Plate Nanoimprint Lithography and analytical models for predicting residual layer thickness, ACS Nano 3, 2304 2310, 2009. (reported by Technology Review and ACS Podcast) 6. S. H. Ahn, and L. J. Guo,  High Speed Roll-to-Roll Nanoimprint Lithography on Flexible Plastic Substrate, Adv. Mater, 20, 2044 2049, 2008. (Reported by Photonics Spectra and Materials Today). d= ' k'%@' m - H  E  F V  Zr C +A   $ <  8X   B8h"`#s X  L. Jay Guo (Qpg) received his B.S. in Physics (Biophysics major) from Nankai University, China in 1990, and his MS and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Minnesota in 1995 and 1997 respectively. He was a research associate at Princeton University from 1998-1999. He joined the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor in 1999, and is currently an associate professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Applied Physics, and Macomolecular Science and Engineering. He has close to 100 refereed journal publications, including Advanced Materials, Nano Letters, Science, Physical Review Letters, Chemical Society Review, and Applied Physics, etc. Total citation of his publications is over 3,100 and he has an h-index of 25. He has over 10 US patents and a number of pending patent applications. He served on many proposal review panels for the US National Science Foundation, the National Institute of Health, and the Department of Energy. He has given numerous invited talks in academia and in industry; and served on many international conference program committees related to nanotechnologies and photonics, including symposium chair of two MRS topical conferences on printing methods for electronics, photonics, and biomaterials. His research areas include plasmonic nanophtonics, polymer-based photonic devices and sensor applications, organic electronics and photonics, nanoimprint-based nanomanufacturing technology and applications.H' ''    7     k        ]        BaY12 &SN'Yf[irtf[bQZ`irtNPgeirt@b'$  <$a3fQ"`   r,http:/events/icmp10f.xml--  <3a>  2010t^,{16g $$H  0+nF ? 33___PPT10i.PE9+D=' = @B +rj!1(6%4 H/ 0|DArial 00TTLwܖ 0ܖD[SOal 00TTLwܖ 0ܖ DўSOal 00TTLwܖ 0ܖ0DNSe~ў 00TTLwܖ 0ܖ@D|^Wў 00TTLwܖ 0ܖ1 B-.  @n?" dd@  @@``  ($& h$$$$$$$$$$$$$R$$#$AⲯCHH 0AAPfff3@w ʚ;ʚ;g4!d!d 0"pPp<4dddd w 0T(w <4!d!d x 0T80___PPT10 pp?  %X  1  0 00 0(  R  s *Av%4   fJQrkrk ?;D# QZ`irt-SN'Yf[[W, 'Xp  6OQ5~?  Te9g20efgN 16:00 17:40 0WpSN'Yf[irt'Y|i-N212Ye[ ++'-d )  HTQ?S$0  WNew applications of old metals in photonics, and related nanomanufacturing technologiesXX-9  <jQ3fQ"`L3#$F4 Photoed by Xiaodong Hu6  B@lQ?   fProf. L. Jay Guo (Qpg) University of Michigan, USAF40-$0P     `  <8sQ.Qm e0 RT|N: si`T Yec E-mail egwang@pku.edu.cn"**g \@  <zQ S$,  Abstract: Many metals (such as Al, Au, Cu, Ag) show interesting optical properties when they are rendered to nanoscale dimensions due to the excitation of surface plasmons. I will discuss such properties and their potential applications in displays and solar cells. By exploiting selective conversion between free-space waves and spatially confined modes in arrays of specially designed plasmonic nanoresonators, we developed high efficiency and high resolution color filters. Using plasmonic nanogratings as semi-transparent electrodes, we demonstrated enhanced power efficiency in organic solar cells. The highly confined nature of surface plasmon also provides a means to modulate the phase of optical wave in deep subwavelength dimension, which was utilized to design optical near field plate for super-resolution focusing. I will also describe high throughput nanofabrication techniques that can produce such structures in large scale and high speed, and in particular the roll to roll nanoimprint lithography. If time permits I may also describe our work on polymer microring resonators and its application in ultrasound imaging. References: 1. T. Xu, Y.-K. Wu, X.-G. Luo, and L. J. Guo,  Plasmonic nano-resonators for color filtering and spectral imaging, Nat. Comm. 2010, published online. doi: 10.1038/ncomms1058. (Reported by Technology Review, R&D Magazine, Popular Science, etc) 2. M. G. Kang, T. Xu, H. J. Park, X. G. Luo, and L. J. Guo,  Efficiency Enhancement of Organic Solar Cells using Transparent Plasmonic Ag Nanowire Electrodes, Adv. Mater. 2010. In press. (doi: 10.1002/adma.201001395) 3. H. J. Park, M. G. Kang, S.-H. Ahn and L. J. Guo,  Facile route to polymer solar cells with optimum morphology applicable to roll-to-roll process, Adv Mater, 2010, in press. DOI: 10.1002/adma.201000250 (top downloads from May-July, and reported by MIT technology Review) 4. H.-F. Shi and L. J. Guo,  Design of Plasmonic Near Field Plate at Opitical Frequency, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 141107, 2010. 5. S. H. Ahn, and L. J. Guo,  Large-area Roll-to-Roll and Roll-to-Plate Nanoimprint Lithography and analytical models for predicting residual layer thickness, ACS Nano 3, 2304 2310, 2009. (reported by Technology Review and ACS Podcast) 6. S. H. Ahn, and L. J. Guo,  High Speed Roll-to-Roll Nanoimprint Lithography on Flexible Plastic Substrate, Adv. Mater, 20, 2044 2049, 2008. (Reported by Photonics Spectra and Materials Today). d= ' k'%@' m - H  E  F V  Zr C +A   $ <  8X   BQh"`#s X  L. Jay Guo (Qpg) received his B.S. in Physics (Biophysics major) from Nankai University, China in 1990, and his MS and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Minnesota in 1995 and 1997 respectively. He was a research associate at Princeton University from 1998-1999. He joined the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor in 1999, and is currently an associate professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Applied Physics, and Macomolecular Science and Engineering. He has close to 100 refereed journal publications, including Advanced Materials, Nano Letters, Science, Physical Review Letters, Chemical Society Review, and Applied Physics, etc. Total citation of his publications is over 3,100 and he has an h-index of 25. He has over 10 US patents and a number of pending patent applications. He served on many proposal review panels for the US National Science Foundation, the National Institute of Health, and the Department of Energy. He has given numerous invited talks in academia and in industry; and served on many international conference program committees related to nanotechnologies and photonics, including symposium chair of two MRS topical conferences on printing methods for electronics, photonics, and biomaterials. His research areas include plasmonic nanophtonics, polymer-based photonic devices and sensor applications, organic electronics and photonics, nanoimprint-based nanomanufacturing technology and applications.H' ''    7     k        ]        B0QY12 &SN'Yf[irtf[bQZ`irtNPgeirt@b'$  <Q3fQ"`   r,http:/events/icmp10f.xml--  <Q>  2010t^,{16g $$H  0+nF ? 33___PPT10i.PE9+D=' n= @B +riQ!1(6%4 H/ 0|DArial 00TTLwܖ 0ܖ"D[SOal 00TTLwܖ 0ܖ DўSOal 00TTLwܖ 0ܖ0DNSe~ў 00TTLwܖ 0ܖ@D|^Wў 00TTLwܖ 0ܖ1 B-.  @n?" dd@  @@``  ($& h$$$$$$$$$$$$$R$$#$AⲯCHH 0AAPfff3@w ʚ;ʚ;g4!d!d 0"pPp<4dddd w 0T(w <4!d!d x 0T80___PPT10 pp?  %X  2  0 11 0(  R  s *Av%4   fJQrkrk ?;D# QZ`irt-SN'Yf[[W, 'X  6OQ5~?  2Te9g20efgN 16:00 17:40 0WpSN'Yf[irt'Y|i-N212Ye[H+ '- '-'-d )  HTQ?S$0  WNew applications of old metals in photonics, and related nanomanufacturing technologiesXX-9  <jQ3fQ"`L3#$F4 Photoed by Xiaodong Hu6  B@lQ?   fProf. L. Jay Guo (Qpg) University of Michigan, USAF40-$0P     `  <8sQ.Qm e0 RT|N: si`T Yec E-mail egwang@pku.edu.cn"**g \@  <zQ S$,  Abstract: Many metals (such as Al, Au, Cu, Ag) show interesting optical properties when they are rendered to nanoscale dimensions due to the excitation of surface plasmons. I will discuss such properties and their potential applications in displays and solar cells. By exploiting selective conversion between free-space waves and spatially confined modes in arrays of specially designed plasmonic nanoresonators, we developed high efficiency and high resolution color filters. Using plasmonic nanogratings as semi-transparent electrodes, we demonstrated enhanced power efficiency in organic solar cells. The highly confined nature of surface plasmon also provides a means to modulate the phase of optical wave in deep subwavelength dimension, which was utilized to design optical near field plate for super-resolution focusing. I will also describe high throughput nanofabrication techniques that can produce such structures in large scale and high speed, and in particular the roll to roll nanoimprint lithography. If time permits I may also describe our work on polymer microring resonators and its application in ultrasound imaging. References: 1. T. Xu, Y.-K. Wu, X.-G. Luo, and L. J. Guo,  Plasmonic nano-resonators for color filtering and spectral imaging, Nat. Comm. 2010, published online. doi: 10.1038/ncomms1058. (Reported by Technology Review, R&D Magazine, Popular Science, etc) 2. M. G. Kang, T. Xu, H. J. Park, X. G. Luo, and L. J. Guo,  Efficiency Enhancement of Organic Solar Cells using Transparent Plasmonic Ag Nanowire Electrodes, Adv. Mater. 2010. In press. (doi: 10.1002/adma.201001395) 3. H. J. Park, M. G. Kang, S.-H. Ahn and L. J. Guo,  Facile route to polymer solar cells with optimum morphology applicable to roll-to-roll process, Adv Mater, 2010, in press. DOI: 10.1002/adma.201000250 (top downloads from May-July, and reported by MIT technology Review) 4. H.-F. Shi and L. J. Guo,  Design of Plasmonic Near Field Plate at Opitical Frequency, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 141107, 2010. 5. S. H. Ahn, and L. J. Guo,  Large-area Roll-to-Roll and Roll-to-Plate Nanoimprint Lithography and analytical models for predicting residual layer thickness, ACS Nano 3, 2304 2310, 2009. (reported by Technology Review and ACS Podcast) 6. S. H. Ahn, and L. J. Guo,  High Speed Roll-to-Roll Nanoimprint Lithography on Flexible Plastic Substrate, Adv. Mater, 20, 2044 2049, 2008. (Reported by Photonics Spectra and Materials Today). d= ' k'%@' m - H  E  F V  Zr C +A   $ <  8X   BQh"`#s X  L. Jay Guo (Qpg) received his B.S. in Physics (Biophysics major) from Nankai University, China in 1990, and his MS and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Minnesota in 1995 and 1997 respectively. He was a research associate at Princeton University from 1998-1999. He joined the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor in 1999, and is currently an associate professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Applied Physics, and Macomolecular Science and Engineering. He has close to 100 refereed journal publications, including Advanced Materials, Nano Letters, Science, Physical Review Letters, Chemical Society Review, and Applied Physics, etc. Total citation of his publications is over 3,100 and he has an h-index of 25. He has over 10 US patents and a number of pending patent applications. He served on many proposal review panels for the US National Science Foundation, the National Institute of Health, and the Department of Energy. He has given numerous invited talks in academia and in industry; and served on many international conference program committees related to nanotechnologies and photonics, including symposium chair of two MRS topical conferences on printing methods for electronics, photonics, and biomaterials. His research areas include plasmonic nanophtonics, polymer-based photonic devices and sensor applications, organic electronics and photonics, nanoimprint-based nanomanufacturing technology and applications.H' ''    7     k        ]        B0QY12 &SN'Yf[irtf[bQZ`irtNPgeirt@b'$  <Q3fQ"`   r,http:/events/icmp10f.xml--  <Q>  2010t^,{16g $$H  0+nF ? 33___PPT10i.PE9+D=' Z= @B +rP i`<!1(6%4 H/ 0|DArial 00TTLwܖ 0ܖ"D[SOal 00TTLwܖ 0ܖ DўSOal 00TTLwܖ 0ܖ0DNSe~ў 00TTLwܖ 0ܖ@D|^Wў 00TTLwܖ 0ܖ1 B-.  @n?" dd@  @@``  ($& h$$$$$$$$$$$$$R$$#$AⲯCHH 0AAPfff3@w ʚ;ʚ;g4!d!d 0"pPp<4dddd w 0T(w <4!d!d x 0T80___PPT10 pp?  %X  2  0 11 0(  R  s *Av%4   fJQrkrk ?;D# QZ`irt-SN'Yf[[W, 'X  6OQ5~?  2Te9g20efgN 16:00 17:40 0WpSN'Yf[irt'Y|i-N212Ye[H+'-'-'-d )  HTQ?S$0  WNew applications of old metals in photonics, and related nanomanufacturing technologiesXX-9  <jQ3fQ"`L3#$F4 Photoed by Xiaodong Hu6  B@lQ?   fProf. L. Jay Guo (Qpg) University of Michigan, USAF40-$0P     `  <8sQ.Qm e0 RT|N: si`T Yec E-mail egwang@pku.edu.cn"**g \@  <zQ S$,  Abstract: Many metals (such as Al, Au, Cu, Ag) show interesting optical properties when they are rendered to nanoscale dimensions due to the excitation of surface plasmons. I will discuss such properties and their potential applications in displays and solar cells. By exploiting selective conversion between free-space waves and spatially confined modes in arrays of specially designed plasmonic nanoresonators, we developed high efficiency and high resolution color filters. Using plasmonic nanogratings as semi-transparent electrodes, we demonstrated enhanced power efficiency in organic solar cells. The highly confined nature of surface plasmon also provides a means to modulate the phase of optical wave in deep subwavelength dimension, which was utilized to design optical near field plate for super-resolution focusing. I will also describe high throughput nanofabrication techniques that can produce such structures in large scale and high speed, and in particular the roll to roll nanoimprint lithography. If time permits I may also describe our work on polymer microring resonators and its application in ultrasound imaging. References: 1. T. Xu, Y.-K. Wu, X.-G. Luo, and L. J. Guo,  Plasmonic nano-resonators for color filtering and spectral imaging, Nat. Comm. 2010, published online. doi: 10.1038/ncomms1058. (Reported by Technology Review, R&D Magazine, Popular Science, etc) 2. M. G. Kang, T. Xu, H. J. Park, X. G. Luo, and L. J. Guo,  Efficiency Enhancement of Organic Solar Cells using Transparent Plasmonic Ag Nanowire Electrodes, Adv. Mater. 2010. In press. (doi: 10.1002/adma.201001395) 3. H. J. Park, M. G. Kang, S.-H. Ahn and L. J. Guo,  Facile route to polymer solar cells with optimum morphology applicable to roll-to-roll process, Adv Mater, 2010, in press. DOI: 10.1002/adma.201000250 (top downloads from May-July, and reported by MIT technology Review) 4. H.-F. Shi and L. J. Guo,  Design of Plasmonic Near Field Plate at Opitical Frequency, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 141107, 2010. 5. S. H. Ahn, and L. J. Guo,  Large-area Roll-to-Roll and Roll-to-Plate Nanoimprint Lithography and analytical models for predicting residual layer thickness, ACS Nano 3, 2304 2310, 2009. (reported by Technology Review and ACS Podcast) 6. S. H. Ahn, and L. J. Guo,  High Speed Roll-to-Roll Nanoimprint Lithography on Flexible Plastic Substrate, Adv. Mater, 20, 2044 2049, 2008. (Reported by Photonics Spectra and Materials Today). d= ' k'%@' m - H  E  F V  Zr C +A   $ <  8X   BQh"`#s X  L. Jay Guo (Qpg) received his B.S. in Physics (Biophysics major) from Nankai University, China in 1990, and his MS and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Minnesota in 1995 and 1997 respectively. He was a research associate at Princeton University from 1998-1999. He joined the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor in 1999, and is currently an associate professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Applied Physics, and Macomolecular Science and Engineering. He has close to 100 refereed journal publications, including Advanced Materials, Nano Letters, Science, Physical Review Letters, Chemical Society Review, and Applied Physics, etc. Total citation of his publications is over 3,100 and he has an h-index of 25. He has over 10 US patents and a number of pending patent applications. He served on many proposal review panels for the US National Science Foundation, the National Institute of Health, and the Department of Energy. He has given numerous invited talks in academia and in industry; and served on many international conference program committees related to nanotechnologies and photonics, including symposium chair of two MRS topical conferences on printing methods for electronics, photonics, and biomaterials. His research areas include plasmonic nanophtonics, polymer-based photonic devices and sensor applications, organic electronics and photonics, nanoimprint-based nanomanufacturing technology and applications.H' ''    7     k        ]        B0QY12 &SN'Yf[irtf[bQZ`irtNPgeirt@b'$  <Q3fQ"`   r,http:/events/icmp10f.xml--  <Q>  2010t^,{16g $$H  0+nF ? 33___PPT10i.PE9+D=' Z= @B +r<_Ex<ow!1Root EntrydO)IoX@PicturesHCurrent User,SummaryInformation(HTRsr_wdelldellV    \ԶpkuO~ Arial ϸԲ Ĭģ õƬ 1  õʾĸģ õƬ